Wednesday, January 30, 2008

A New Age In Nursing Education: College Degrees Online

It can be difficult for anyone who works to obtain a college degree or to increase upon their current level of education. This can be especially difficult for those people who are pursing a degree in a nursing field. The attempt to juggle work, classes, family and clinical hours can be overwhelming and discouraging. Advances in technology have now made it a little easier to obtain your degree and reach your goals.

Numerous colleges now offer degrees online, including nursing degrees. The advantages of taking nursing courses over the internet are numerous. With online courses a student can continue to work while attending college, without having to adjust a work schedule around a class schedule. Students no longer have to commute to a campus only to waste more time searching for a place to park. No more paying for a parking permit to park on the campus that you are paying to attend. No more sitting in a classroom for hours each day only to listen to an instructor lecture on the topics that you have already read about. Imagine being able to log onto your class when its convenient for you. These are just a few benefits of obtaining your degree online.

Online nursing courses are not as difficult as one may think. Once classes begin the student will log into their internet classroom. Most college sites will have a list of courses that you are registered in. Clicking on the course name will take you to more information about that particular course. You can locate your syllabus, assignment schedule, contact info for your instructor and classmates, forums and chat rooms to talk to other students, and detailed instructions on how to submit assignments and complete your course. Help is always available from either the instructor or other classmates.

Online college students qualify for the same financial aid as the traditional campus based student. Federal Student Aid, State Student Aid, student loans, scholarships, and grants are all available for application. Federal and State Aid have financial requirements for qualification, but anyone, regardless of income or credit history, qualifies for student loans. Make sure you apply by the due dates for student aid so you dont miss any assistance you might qualify for.

People who are already working in the medical field as a nurses aid, LPN or RN who would like to increase their education and certification usually have even more advantages available to help them succeed. Many healthcare employers now provide tuition reimbursement and/or scholarships to employees who want to expand their education. If you cant afford to pay the tuition and await the reimbursement then consider a student loan than you can repay once you receive your tuition. Contact your human resource department to find out what is available. Another advantage is that many hospitals have set up study groups for online nursing students. This provides nursing students with the advantage of personal interaction with other nursing students of varying education.

To obtain a nursing degree, you may be required to complete clinical hours within a medical and/or hospital setting. You may wonder how you can do this if the college you are taking online courses through is across the country from where you reside. Your instructors will help you set up these clinical hours at a medical facility near your home.

The demand for nurses has risen dramatically and shortages in the nursing field continue to be a problem. With the advent of online nursing classes, more people are able to obtain their degree and provide much needed medical care to the people of your community.

Tabatha Evans is a registered nurse, and a staff writer for She has worked in the healthcare industry for several years, and continues to work while introducing others to a career in nursing. View more work by Tabatha, visit Blog41889
Annmarie Blog32444

How to Make Shopping For Low Cost Family Health Insurance Less "Painful"

Shopping for low cost family health insurance does not have to be an overwhelming process. Granted, it's no day at the beach; but if done with some careful planning, the process can be less "painful."

First, it's important to understand the "jargon." That is, a family health insurance policy is actually an individual policy, as opposed to a group policy, that has been issued for a family. Therefore, when shopping for low cost health insurance for your family, you're actually searching for an individual policy that will be issued for you and your family.

Second, when shopping for low cost health insurance, it is important to realize that there are ways to keep costs down.

For example, if your family is generally healthy, you may want to choose higher out-of-pocket options for items such as deductible, copayments, and coinsurance. By doing so, you can expect to see a significant reduction in your premiums.

Another way to reduce your health insurance costs is to pay your premiums annually. Since it requires a significant initial payment, this may not be a realistic option for some. Nevertheless, if you can afford to prepay your premiums, you may be able to avoid paying service fees and possibly realize a prepayment discount. Be sure to ask your insurance agent about this possibility.

In addition, you may want to think twice about buying supplemental health insurance. In many cases, supplemental insurance offers coverage for items that are already included in your main plan. If you think you way need a supplemental health policy, be sure to discuss this with your agent thoroughly before making any final decisions.

Third, and last, whether you're just trying to get the best deal for health insurance and finances are not a significant limiting factor, or price is a significant limiting factor, you should know is that the health insurance industry in the U.S. is heavily regulated. While regulations may vary from one state to another, health insurance premiums are regulated by each state Department of Insurance.

What this means to you is that you will pay the same monthly premium for the same plan whether you buy from a local agent, an Internet company, or the insurance company itself. Logically then, the best way to end up with the policy best suited for you and your situation is to obtain and then review multiple health insurance quotes.

Shopping for low cost family health insurance can be quite a shock for the unprepared. So, to be ready, educate yourself by using the volumes of information available on the Internet. Look for ways to keep costs to a minimum, such as prepaying premiums, selecting a higher deductible, and not purchasing insurance you will not use, . By working smarter, not harder, you will be maximizing your odds of ending up with a quality and affordable health insurance plan.

Jonathon James has been working in the health insurance industry for nearly twenty years. For additional tips and information about low cost family health insurance, please be sure to visit Blog98955
Agneta Blog57375

Card Tricks Essential Magic For Beginners

Why is it that most Magicians use card tricks in their act? Did they start out entertaining in Gambling Dens and Casinos? Or is it that the card sharps had to learn magic card tricks in order to cheat at Poker?

Whatever the reason, Card Tricks are an essential part of any Magicians performance. Some require difficult sleight-of-hand techniques, most just need you to distract your audience while you do the deed, many can be done in full view. A few need gimmicked decks or pre-prepared decks in order to work.

The marked deck is a rarity these days; after all, who needs to remember 52 different secret markings, all small enough to go unnoticed by the audience? Far easier to force your victim to pick a specific card (she thinks she had free choice, but we know better!) then control the card to the top or bottom of the deck where it sits until you magically produce it.

A favourite technique of mine (called; the Glimpse) is to openly look at the card (this becomes the Key card) above the selected card as the victim replaces it in the pack; all I have to do then is find that card and I know that the one below it is the selected card. Simple. The victim, and the rest of the audience, were all concentrating on the return of the selected card to the deck and didnt notice me tilt the top half of the deck so that the underside of the card was visible. A few cuts then make it look as if the card is mixed up in the deck (a cut rarely splits the two cards that you want to keep together, but to be sure, Glimpse the bottom card after the last cut if it is your Key Card, cut once more) and I then deal the pack onto the table until I see the card I viewed earlier. A nice twist is to carry on past the selected card, dealing say, another 3 cards before stopping and announcing the next card I turn over will be the one you selected. The victim gleefully disagrees you can take bets on it if you want and then you reach over to the selected card and turn that one over.

There are lots of card tricks you can learn easily that can be found at many dedicated magic websites. Many magic card tricks are offered free at these sites and are easy to learn. If you want to impress your friends in the bar or at the party, learn some magic card tricks and you will always be in demand!

Andy Canning is an enthusiast - an amature magician - who has set up a website for magicians where you can learn free card tricks (and others) and learn all about Magic.Annette Blog45084
Bobbi Blog75563

What Exactly is the Mediterranean Diet?

By its name alone, the Mediterranean diet attracts a lot of current and would be dieters due to its exotic name. But what is it exactly? One concern of the Mediterranean diet is that it allows 40% fat consumption compared to the 30% of the American Heart Association. Let's go into more detail as it seems a waste to just let it go without giving it a fair reading.

The Mediterranean diet evolved from the respective diets of countries surrounding the Mediterranean basin. Among the countries surrounding the basin are the south of France, southern Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece and Cyprus. Originally introduced by American doctor Ancel Keys, the diet failed to gain popular recognition until the 1990's. Based on scientific data, people around the Mediterranean basin had lower rates of cardiovascular disease compared to Americans who, for all intents and purposes, consumed the same relative amount of fat. One possible explanation is the presence of olive oil and red wine. Olive oil lowers cholesterol levels in the blood while red wine contains flavonoids. Flavonoids are anti-oxidants that also help the body when dealing with allergenic material, viruses and cancer causing agents.

Another contributing factor to a European's better health could be the fact that they tend to walk more than Americans do. Questions have also been raised as to whether the Mediterranean diet contributes enough iron and calcium to the diet. Green vegetables and goat cheese have been found to contribute these nutrients respectively.

The thing about the Mediterranean diet is that its foods are often rich and tasty thanks to olive oil. Normally, margarine and hydrogenated oils lack the flavor that olive oil gives out. Another part of the diet is regular but moderate consumption of red wine. Saturated fat consumption is low as opposed to high amounts of monounsaturated fat and dietary fiber. This is due to the fact that the diet includes big servings of fruits, vegetables, breads, cereals, olive oil and fish.

In comparing the food pyramid of the United States against the Mediterranean diet, people of the Mediterranean consumed fruits, vegetables and grain just as Americans do. The main difference lies in the fact that Americans consume more red meat. Consumption of cold water fish is also prominent in the Mediterranean diet. This results in reduced risks of heart disease, cancer and improved immune system functions. Compared to the US Department of Agriculture's (USDA) pyramid, the Mediterranean diet contains little saturated and trans fat that raise cholesterol in the blood. The USDA's pyramid does not differentiate from healthy and unhealthy fats.

Characteristically speaking, the Mediterranean diet has high consumption of olive oil. Breads, cereals, fruits and vegetables likewise have a high rate of consumption in the diet. Fish and poultry as well as wine are moderately consumed while eggs and red meat are rated as very low in consumption.

The problem with most diets is that they tend to be extreme. Some diets, like the vegetarian diet, limit a person to just eating fruits, tofu, yogurt and vegetables. Other diets would require high protein intake while severely limiting intake of the other food groups. Like a user friendly computer, the Mediterranean diet does not go to extremes to achieve a desired result. The diet allows for consumption of tasty foods. This allows the dieter to actually enjoy the gastronomic delights normally prohibited by other diets. A solid testament to this fact rests on the presence of wine in the diet.

The most surprising aspect of the Mediterranean diet is that fat is regarded as a healthy dietary component. Keep in mind that it is the fat that gives food most of its flavor. Two substances, omega-3 fatty acids and monounsaturated fats, are considered to be healthy and are not restricted in the diet. Olive oil, canola oil and nuts are good sources of monounsaturated fat while fish, vegetables and nuts contain the healthy omega-3 acids. Saturated fats and trans fat, on the other hand are considered to be unhealthy as they contribute to heart disease. Red meat, butter cheese and milk are sources of saturated fat while processed foods contain hydrogenated oils from which trans fat comes from.

From what has been written so far, and from all the sources and references where this article was taken from, the Mediterranean diet comes highly recommended by health professionals. The Mediterranean diet maintains a healthy but tasty, smorgasbord of delicious foods with which you can maintain a healthy diet without the need to sacrifice flavor and variety. While we appreciate the people who struggle and strive to come up with healthy diets, good food carries more weight in our stomachs.

Ray Darken often writes for and works closely with The Mediterranean Diet. If you'd like more news and broader access to diet and nutrition information try Diet Reviews & Tips. If this link isn't working, you can paste this one into your browser Blog78089
Aleece Blog61723

Will Audio Books Help to Solve The Literacy Related Problems of Education?

The arrival of multimedia initially pushed the use of audio books as an educational tool into the background. Seen against the backdrop of a generation of young television addicts, it is hardly surprising that the already beleaguered literacy-related abilities of children were subject to yet another setback when audio books disappeared from the scene.

Several educators soon started adding two and two together, and came to the conclusion that in order to address the myriad of challenges associated with the decline in literacy, the underlying problem of listening skills needed to be addressed. As a result, audio books have yet again stepped to the fore and have regained recognition as valuable contributors in educational terms.

Many educators are downloading audio books from the web to address this issue. All the latest titles ranging from Narnia to Harry Potter are available as audio book downloads today. Because of the popularity of these stories, children need not be coerced into listening to these audio books. They look forward to story time regardless of whether it is a part of the curriculum or whether it is the reward for a days work well done!

What is the educational value of audio books to children?

The very first value that comes to mind is listening skills. The first contact an unborn babe makes with the outside world while she is still in her mothers womb is through hearing. After her birth, she uses hearing to acquire the skill to verbally communicate with others. This language skill she develops over the first few years in her life is her first step towards literacy.

The second contribution made by audio books, revolves around language ability. Children are bombarded with visual stimuli. Television, movies and the majority of educational toys available today, are all visual. In the absence of aural stimuli, such as those offered by audio books, listening skills become under-developed, impacting both language and literacy.

Audio books impose the need on the child to listen to the spoken word (language). In addition to improving the childs grammar, it also improves vocabulary and elocution all of which underpin literacy. Audio books allow children the opportunity to create images in their minds eye. By stimulating a childs ability to imagine, her ability for lateral thinking is also greatly enhanced.

The third benefit of audio books as an educational tool falls within the ambit of reading and comprehension. These are critical learning skills. Reading centers and laboratories report that as many as 80% of all students tested not only read at speeds 2 years or more below the levels required for their specific age groups, but also show a comprehension / retention of 65% and less. There are many different methods employed to assist enrolled students with recovering the lost years. Of note is the fact that some of these centers make use of audio books in conjunction with the readers they provide.

The students follow the written text in time with the audio books being played back to them. A visual / aural link is forged between the written word and the spoken word. Once this divide is crossed, tangible progress is made both in terms of reading speeds and comprehension. In addition to the hour or two spent at these centers per week, twenty minutes supplemental reading is required per day. Instead of issuing a student on the read-along program with a CD, many centers offer the student access to the appropriate audio book online.

How can parents help?

The answer is simple: Get them listening to audio books sooner rather than later. Opportunities for listening to audio books abound. For smaller children, parents can play audio books in the car. For teens, consider allowing audio book downloads to their iPods and other Media Players. Compared against the printed medium, audio books procured in this way are relatively cheap. The range of titles available means that there is something for anybody. Even for the most difficult of teens!

Although buying audio books may not be the biggest investment a parent can make in money terms, investing in audio books may well turn out to be the biggest in terms of value.

Bou Allem

This article may be reproduced provided it remains unaltered and the author box is kept intact.

Bou Allem is a former teacher, now a successful internet marketer and publisher, owner of the sites:Alison Blog24197
Camila Blog14523

Money Saving Wedding Tips

One Idea to save money is to not have your wedding on the weekend. Many vendors will offer substantially lower costs because weekdays they are usually free and not booked.

When buying a wedding gown check your local newspaper for slightly used dresses. Shop in bridal outlets they usually will offer substantially lower costs than your local bridal store. Shop consignment stores you can usually find great deals and slightly used dresses. Don't buy a designer dress if you don't have to. Designer dresses will definitely cost you more money and usually you can find similar dresses at a much lower cost than you would a designer dress.

When purchasing your cake try to keep it all the same flavor and keep it simple. Use your own decorations for the cake like fresh cut flowers or pearls. Doing this is minimizing the hand made designs that the baker does which will lower your cost of the cake.

Deciding on video and pictures have a friend with a nice camera usually 4 pixels and up take your pictures. Take your pictures to your local photo lab and edit them yourself or use your computer and add your own effects. This will save you a ton of money. Your video you can do the same. Have a friend with a nice camera and a tripod the tripod is important because you want steady video and have them shoot your wedding.

Have your wedding at home or at a friends house. When you have a wedding at home you do not pay any fees that are associated with renting a hall or ball room. Also you can bring whatever food you would like and you don't have to pay for a bartender if you do not want too.

When deciding on entertainment have a friend with access to the internet download your favorite songs and burn them to a disc and play them at your reception. This will be a huge savings.

When deciding on your wedding accessories such as your flower girl basket you can usually go to a local craft store and purchase a plain basket and decorate it yourself. You can pick up some material while your there and some pillow stuffing and a little needle and thread and make your own ring pillow.

When trying to match all of your colors together go to your local paint store and get a paint card of the colors you are using and take this everywhere you go. This will help you with matching flowers and all of your decorations you are using in your wedding.

If you are having an outdoor wedding have it in the fall. The fall time is the most beautiful weather and most likely not as hot as it would be in the summer time. Also prepare yourself for rain. Have a plan to get the cake and other decorations that are sensitive to rain put up and out of the way.

Do not be afraid to ask for help. Ask groomsmen and bridesmaids to help decorate before the wedding and assign each one of them a couple of simple tasks each. This will save you on decorating and clean up before and after the wedding.

Most of all remember it's your wedding and just enjoy yourself and have a great time.

Yolanda Nash is the owner of and wedding planner. She enjoys seeing all the different table decorations, flowers and wedding party favors on the wedding day.Belva Blog57062
Celeste Blog52321

Market Cycles: How To Thrive In Different Market Conditions.

Every market goes through trading cycles. There is no exception to this. Be it the Stock Market, The Futures or the Forex market. They all go through different phases. In this brief article, I wish to point out the different phases in the Forex market, identifying which, will help the trader know when to stay in the market and when to stay out.

Range Days: Historically, it has been seen that nearly 80% of the time, the market stays in a range. Range days are when the currency stays at a certain price limit and trades within it. For example, on a typical range day, the GBPUSD will stay within a low of 1.9600 to a high of 1.9675. This maybe the case for a day or, at times continue the whole week before a breakout appears. This is also called as “Calm before a Storm”.

Rally Days: Again, historical studies have proved that the market rallies only about 20% of the time and when it does, it creates new trends and levels. Rally days usually happen when price breaks out of the range and establishes a new high or low.

Strange Days: Strange days are those days when the market hardly moves at all. It is as if the financial world is on a vacation and simply not interested in trading. This is a rare phenomenon, yet is one of the phases of the market. Usually, when a market is well below the usual daily range, it is classified as Strange Days.

Here is a bit of statistics to help understand the market phases better. I have listed below, the 4 major pairs and their daily average range.

GBPUSD - 122 pips Daily Range

EURUSD - 84 pips Daily Range

USDCHF - 96 pips Daily Range

USDJPY - 78 pips Daily Range

In the above examples, when a pair falls below the daily movement, it is considered to be ranging and when it is way below it, it is considered to have entered the unknown land. If analyzed over a week, Range days occur at least 3 times a week. Generally 70-80% of the Mondays are ranging days.

Similarly, Rally days occur when price is above the normal daily range and happens only about 20% of the time in a week. The best day in the week is Tuesday, followed by Wednesday and Thursday. Tuesday, historically has had the best rally days.

Again, strange days occur less than often, and when price stays well below the range and when there is little movement. They happen, once or twice a month and are times when one should stay out of the market.

Lastly, I should add that the best days to trade are Tuesday and Wednesday followed by Thursday and the days to avoid trading are Monday and Friday.

Althaf Ahmed has been trading the forex market for 2 years. He runs an educational blog at where he shares popular articles from different authors around the world, provides trading resources and tools, and has a free mentoring program for aspiring traders.Celene Blog64052
Andriette Blog56677

Dont Be a Target: Nine Simple Home Security Tips

Burglars will always go after the easiest target. Not necessarily the biggest house on the blockbut the easiest one to break into. Burglars like dark houses, and they like to get in fast. If your house is well-lit or takes more than five minutes to break into, chances are theyll go elsewhere. If you want to make your house less inviting to burglars, heres how to do it.

Keep the lights on. Its a good idea to invest in security lighting. If your home or yard is kept lit at night, its a definite burglar deterrent. When lighting your home, its important not to make it blaze so brightly it bothers the neighborsbut a downlight over your garage and front doors, uplights beneath windows, and a few well-placed outdoor lamps in the yard can go a long way towards discouraging most break-ins.

Get a good home security system. The best home security systems have an alarm that automatically alerts the police. Motion detectors are useful to install in your yardturn them on before you go to bed at night so they dont go off when you and your family are outside during the day.

Have a thick door with a deadbolt. Your door should be in good repair. It should fit its frame well, with no chinks and no soft or rotting wood in the frame. The best lock in the world wont keep a burglar out if your door isnt strong as well. You should have a deadboltnever rely on those doorknob locks. Get a peephole, preferably a wide-angle one, installed in your door. Its much safer than using a chainstrong burglars can break those chains and push you aside to get in.

If you have a garage, this also applies to the door that leads from it to the inside of your house. Garage doors are often flimsy, with cheap locks. Make sure the door that goes into your house from your garage is just as strong as your outside-access doors, with the same strong deadbolts and peephole.

If you have sliding glass doors, youve probably noticed the locks are weak. Dont depend on a stick set in the door channel. Go to your local hardware store and see what they have for strong locks for these doors.

Dont make it obvious youre away. When you go away on holiday, dont close your blinds any more than you usually do. Have the post office hold all mail and packages so it doesnt collect outside your door. Ask a friend to collect hand-delivered circulars from your doorstep. If youre going to be gone for longer than a week, pay someone you trust to mow your lawn or shovel your driveway.

Many people install timers on the lights in their homes, and set them to go on and off at appropriate times to make it look like youre home. There are lots of other ways to do this as well, like installing motion-sensitive lights outside of your house and putting your radio and TV on a timer so that they go on and off, as well.

Get a home security safe. If you have anything especially valuable in your housejewelry or important documents, for exampleprotect them with a home security safe. These can go a long way toward protecting your peace of mind, as well as your belongings.

Dont show off tempting items. Open your blinds and look in your windowsfrom the street as well as from your yard. Can you see a television, a computer, stereo equipment, or any other valuables from your windows? If so, you may be advertising to burglars without knowing it. Make sure nobody from outside can see any valuable objects in your house. Also, dont leave anything outside in your yard that can be carried offit makes too tempting a target for even casual thieves.

Watch your windows. Make sure your windows are strong and in good repairincluding the frames. In addition, its a bad idea to put a window-mounted air conditioner in a window on the ground floorthese can be easy to push out. Its a good idea to trim shrubs and trees near windows, as these can provide cover for burglars.

Careful with your keys. Dont keep your keys on a ring with your home address anywhere on it. And dont hide an extra key under the doormat, in that flowerpot by the door, or anywhere else outside. You may think youve found the perfect hiding place, but most burglars know where to look. Think about getting a key safe.

Contact your local police. Often, the police will send someone to assess your house and recommend the steps you should take to make your home safer. This is a good thing to do anytime you move into a new house, or if there have been robberies at other homes in your area recently.

Keep your house from being a tempting target. Dont help burglars rob you by keeping your house dark at night, keeping expensive items by the window, or neglecting your windows and doors. Follow these simple tips, and your home will be much less inviting to criminalsand much safer.

Anthony Neary works for the UKs premier supplier of home and office safes. For more information on a range of security safes visit Blog40191
Bee Blog25672

Choosing Good Domain Names and Web Host

A Domain name is the unique name of a website, just like There are many registrars around and the cost to register a new domain name can range anywhere from 4 to 30 USD per year. Domain name Registration and Web hosting is a different thing. You can register your domain name from company A and host it in company B. In simple terms, a domain name service provider stores your domain name and points it to the web host which stores all your web pages.

Choosing A Good Domain Name

Choosing a domain name is a serious business. A good domain name is easy to remember and contains the keyword that you want. You can choose to buy a new domain name or an expired one. Some expired domain names are well established and worth buying (They have many websites linking to it and possibly a good Google PR). You can find many websites selling expired domains by googling "expired domain name".

If you buy a new domain name, basically you start everything from scratch. Google tends to prevent new websites from appearing in its search engine for a few months or even longer. You have to build up your reputation in the web, get people to link to you and so on (Getting good inbound links is the key to search engine optimisation). However, having said that, building a successful website from scratch often gives you great sense of satisfaction. You do not have to worry about the history of the website, anything about the previous owner and the transfer procedures. There are cheaters around, so you have to becareful.

After reading the keyword selection guide, you should have a better understanding of how to select keywords. The same rule applies for domain names. If you want to create a website teaching people "how to design a web page", ideally, your url should be something like this: "". Noticed that I put a dash "-" to separate the keywords. Though longer to type, the url will be stronger than a url like this "". The later url is shorter but harder for the search engines to decipher. However, it is known that search engines are able to decode the urls and extract the keywords. We personally do not like to use the "dash" because it makes the url looks unprofessional. Therefore, short and clean urls with easy to understand terms are good. Google, Yahoo and MSN have no problems with

There are other things that you might also consider when choosing domain names. Factors such as company's prestige and whether the url is easy to remember are important as well. Take the previous url "how-to-design-a-web-page" case for example, we could also take the first letter of each keyword and call it In this case, the url becomes totally meaningless. If my company is already quite popular, I dont need to stuff keywords in my url because it will make my company look unprofessional. Take BMW for example, they just need to register for instead of something like

Does the extension matters?

Yes, it matters alot. Whether you choose a .com (general), (Australia), or a (United Kingdom)...etc depends alot on the location of the audience you are targeting. If you own a web design firm in UK and your domain is a .com and hosted in US, it is harder for people in UK to find you because search engines know where people are searching from and tends to give priority to websites that are hosted in their location. This is call this geo-targeting. In short, a well optimised website can rank well both in (Google General) and (Google Australia). A .com website may loose out to a website in Furthermore, many companies bought large number of good .com, .net ...etc doman names in order to sell them at a higher price - which makes it hard for you to get a good domain name. Though a country specific domain name can be more expensive, you often get better chances to choose a good domain name.

Depending on your budget, a .info, .biz or some funny extensions might be cheaper to register but harder to remember. A .com, .net or .org domain name seems to be more popular and easily remembered. If you are targeting at the international level or in United States and do not want to spend alot, go for .com, .net .org, .biz, .us or .info.

What To Look For In A Good Host

With strong competition in the web hosting industry, most web host will provide many features at an affordable price. With price ranging from 5 to 10 dollars a month, you can get a decent host for your website. To us, the most important thing is uptime and support. You don't want your email or server to be down. You want someone who knows their stuff when you have questions. Unless your website requires special needs, the features provided by most hosting companies are good enough.

Our Recommendation

Instead of registering a domain name with company A and buying a hosting plan with company B, we recommend you to do both at the same time with the same company. Many hosting providers provide hosting packages that includes domain registration and web hosting. By doing that, you let them do all the backend work and save yourself some trouble of configuring the Domain Name Servers. You combine the bills as well and have lesser things to remember.

Which hosting and domain registration company to go for? Most of us would recommend bluehost - They are not the cheapest around but their support is definitely the best. Their engineers are all in-housed (your problems get fixed up really quickly) and they know their work very well. is formed by a group of web addicts, mainly volunteers from all over the world. Our goal is to create a community of web designers and developers who share the common interest in bringing out the best in creatiing effective web sites.Catrina Blog83352
Alyce Blog36254

Hot Air Balloon Adventure

Begun in the 1700s by several Frenchmen, building and flying hot air balloons has really not changed that much over the years, except that hot air ballooning is safer and more popular than ever! Imagine floating on air, watching the world drift below in all its beauty and wonder, houses and cars looking like toys.

Imagine feeling a lovely breeze in your face, and leaving all of life's problems behind as you spend the most fabulous morning or evening imaginable on a hot air balloon flight.

The wicker basket is comfortable and the experience is glorious. No matter what terrain you fly over, or how many flights you've taken, each experience is a once in a lifetime event. You and nature seem to be one as the world glides beneath you.

Do some research and be prepared when booking a hot air balloon flight. Most launch either at dawn, or just before dusk, due to the winds being at their most favorable at those times of day. Dress comfortably in light layered fabrics, and bring a hat and sunglasses, as well as a light jacket. It can be very warm in the basket, but you will be surprised how much cooler the air is a few thousand feet off the ground! And don't forget your camera, to capture those magical panoramic views.

If you think a hot air balloon ride with your favorite person is simply unattainable, think again. In fact, it's very affordable, and hot air ballooning is becoming more and more prevalent all over the world. There's probably a hot air balloon flight service close to you, just waiting to take you on the ride of your life.

Most hot air balloon flights last anywhere from one to three hours, and you'll be picked up by the "chase crew" who follow the balloon in a vehicle and meet the balloon upon landing to collect the equipment and passengers.

Because nobody is ever absolutely sure where they'll land in a hot air balloon, an adventurous sightseeing trip after the ride is often an added bonus. Most flights are followed by a champagne toast, and you generally receive a certificate that you are now "lighter than air".

If you've never been on a hot air balloon ride, you're in for a treat! Most flights are extremely smooth and gentle, and can even be perfect for people who are not that comfortable with heights. Pilots must be certified, and all equipment is examined and safety-checked thoroughly before passengers are ever taken up. Hot air ballooning is a safe, exciting, and fun activity for the entire family!

Freelance author John McCabe writes on a variety of topics, and is a frequent contributor at http://hotairballoonstop.comAridatha Blog74567
Angela Blog97741

Real Estate Tips On Finding A Business Partner

Think you can get ahead faster with a business partner? It is important to remember that approximately 80% of business partnerships dont work. The odds are very high that any real estate group in which you are involved in may not survive. Cautiously enter into your investment group with watchful eyes. Here are some key factors to consider.

Make sure your goals and objectives are consistent with the rest of the group. Are you committed to working at all hours of the day to get the job done? Well, what about your partner? You know what skills you have. You know your strengths and your weaknesses. If your partners are your friends and relatives, you probably have a clear idea as to what skills they can bring to the table. However, when your joining an investment group of strangers, its important to clarify exactly what, if any, skills they will bring to the overall collective objective. Sometimes your investors will simply put their money into the project and not actually participating in any work that needs to be completed.

Consider the liquidity of the investment. How quickly can you get your money out of your Fraser Valley Real Estate investment? You should not invest money you cannot afford to loose. This is the golden rule and it should be applied to real estate in all areas of the Fraser Valley and Lower Mainland area. For example: Richmond, Surrey, Coquitlam, Burnaby, New West, Langley and Abbotsford. In practical terms, most investments are tied up for the duration of the deal. This issue of course is a critical one. This has a direct correlation with liability of your investment. You want to avoid personal liability for any financial problems that can occur. If you are investing in a corporation that is holding the property for the group and the corporation has taken out a mortgage with a lender, the lender may require personal guarantees from the shareholders of the corporation. That would be YOU!

Consider When investing with a group is getting out of control, how to get out? Why not a buy out! Make sure there is a procedure to follow before you get into a concrete group investment. Know the buy out terms before the money is put onto the table. Your Fraser Valley Real Estate investment should always be safe and secure. Whether your buying a condo, apartment, townhouse, house or mobile home in British Columbia, remember to cover you assets.

Shane Toews is a Licenced Realtor who helps others to educate themselves about current real estate issues. He also provides assistance on how to find quality homes, apartments or vacation rentals in Canada's Fraser Valley area. Blanch Blog99555
Annadiana Blog70567

15 Sure-Shot Christmas Gift Ideas For Men

When you desperately want to gift them something different this year

Anyone who has ever tried giving a different gift to their men folk on a Christmas will know what I am talking about. It is far easier to select gift for women due to the kind of variety and range available in the market. Anyone under 30 would love to have the latest designer makeup offering. Above 40 will love some concoctions of skin creams. Bath luxuries, new shimmering evening dress, cookery classes vouchers, time saving kitchen equipmentthere is no dearth of offerings for women.

However, for men, the choices are so limited. How many times can you gift someone golf clubs, socks, aftershave, watch or a good old leather wallet?? Any offbeat gift like bath marbles or a cute puppy may not hit-off with everyone. You are always in doubt while experimenting, if its the right thing.

Here are some alternative gift ideas that might earn you that big broad smile from your dad, grandpa or husband. The kinky ones will get you some hugs and more from your man.

. Sudoku Toilet Roll For the enthusiasts who cant get enough of the game. It is a sure way to pass time on the bob. Sudoku is a massive puzzling craze that has swept the world. One of those addictive little games that will keep you amused for hours. Gift one to the one you love and watch their grins on receiving this unusual gift.

. Racing Grannies These are desktop dolls in the form of ageing, wrinkled grannies, but race around faster than a car on the desk. Race these old dears at crippling speeds, wind them up and watch them go, just adjust the grannies arms to find the perfect race position. Two grannies complete with zimmer frames and shopping baskets will have you howling with laughter as you watch them scuttle along the desk. Ultimate fun guaranteed!!

. Babe Beer Bottle Holder If you want to gift him something kinky this Christmas, we have the perfect gift. The Babe Beer bottle holder has an alluring ahemfemale figurine on the outside. He will remember you each time he holds the holder or the babe

. Hand Mobile Battery Charger - For emergency times when he needs to recharge his cell but there is no electrical socket nearby. This neat little gadget has a shaft that is rotated by hand. A 3-minute charging results in a talk time of about 7-8 minutes. Can be remodelled to suit any mobile phone brand. Perfect gift for any gizmo-freak.

. A hammock Rekindle the memories of that Caribbean holiday by gifting him a hammock. Who wouldnt love to lounge around in a hammock in the sun (even if imagined!) with a beer bottle in hand? A suitable gift for those who love to rest their derrieres often enough..

. Hip flask cum Cigarette Case A perfect gift to a Football fanatic. When he goes to see his favourite team in action, this cute little flask helps him carry his favourite spirit and upto 6 cigarettes in neat, very small case. Looks elegant too.

. Virtual Girlfriend Game Gift this video game to your brother or friend if they recently got dumped or have been too shy to ask anyone out. It will help them polish their dating skills. A perfect gift for tongue-tied teenagers.

. Whistling, Flashing Keylighter They will never loose their keys again. On being whistled to, this amazing keylighter whistles back at you and flashes light. So gift this to your absent-minded hubby or careless teenager, they are bound to appreciate this thoughtful gesture.

. Football club share What do you gift a Man United fan?? A share in their favourite football club!!! They will swear by you if you give them this chance to own a piece of the magic. These shares are available in different denominations for various clubs.

. An acre on Mars or Moon What do you gift to a man who has everything, in his own words?? An acre of land on moon or Mars will really make them reach for the stars J Yes!! They are up for grabs and the recipients of your gift will get a neat little certificate to prove it. Now you know what to gift that well-off uncle.

. Family History Gift-Box Perfect gift for teenagers finding their roots or people living away from their native neighbourhood. This box contains personalised family history of people in Wales, England, and Ireland. Imagine the surprise on their face in knowing how many of their ancestors went to the New World and who knows, they might even have royalty as part of their lineage.

. Personalised Stationery Surprise him by gifting him his insignia stationary. He is sure to be impressed by the embossed letters of his name on all his personalised letter-pads, cards and other business and personal markings.

. Table Football game Who hasnt loved a good game of Table Football on a bleak wet day? Gift this to your bachelor friends or cousins and watch them play it over and over with squeals of delight. Danger: you might feel ignored in their company

. Espresso Cappuccino Machines - For the modern wonders of men who need a coffee first thing in the morning but cant brew it to save their lives! This classy and handy machine makes life a little easier for your dear ones by serving them hot piping Espresso or Cappuccino every single morning unfailingly.

. Macho-man Apron or Danger: Man Cooking Apron If you have survived more than one of their cooking disasters last year, its time to give them a Danger Man Cooking apron. Or, stroke their ego and laugh as they put on a Macho-Man apron and then sweetly ask them to fix the dinner.. Men will always be boys.

Samuel Hary would bring the best of Cashback deals -, christmas gifts -, vouchers and bargains through Blog46974
Caroline Blog24169

Webtuition Online

Tuition is well-proven as the most efficient way of learning and, here at webtuitions our subject coverage is unsurpassed and most of the information we provide is free.

Ever wanted to learn how to play a musical instrument, speak a foreign language, or get help with your child's education? Maybe you've not understood something at school or college or you've missed a part of the course.

Perhaps your company wants to send you abroad and you need an intensive course. Maybe you've an unfulfilled ambition to play a violin, piano or guitar. It could be you'd like to give a special gift to a friend.

Did you know?

The youngest student we ever tutored was just under 3 years old (after consideration of the subject matter) and the oldest 85. Education is the key to achieving your goal.

Did you know?

Our most popular subject for adult learners is elocution. If you have an accent that is holding you back, an impediment or lack confidence when speaking publicly - this can help.

Did you know?

Online tuition is individual tuition with a real person and is an excellent way to learn. Feedback shows students find it more focused than the traditional face-to-face service.

Did you know?

That you don't have to feel embarrassed by having someone from your school, college or university teach you - just tell the agency which ones to avoid.

Did you know?

Coaching in a small group can cost from as little as a few pounds, dollars or euros an hour? Even one-to-one should be from around 12.50 or US$25 an hour (if blockbooked).

CapStone Infoways is an India based company located in New Delhi, India. We have been consistently serving our global clients since 2005. Amandie Blog55412
Alida Blog9030

Entering College For Free Through Scholarship

The cost of college education is constantly increasing every year. Presently, a student has to pay for about $20,000 on an average school. The problem is, at this amount many American households find it difficult to maintain at least a member of their family to finish a degree or at least stay in school for the following year. This problem can be solved, however, through college scholarships.

There are different college and university scholarships available for different types of student. With a little knowledge on their nature, you may find one where you can fit in; and hopefully finishing college for free.

So what are your college scholarship options?

Academic scholarship

Academic scholarship is given to students who receive the highest mark in the graduation class, endorse by the school to apply for an academic scholarship or meet the necessary grade point average set by the school. If you do not fall in any of the conditions mentioned, ask your high school academic guidance counselor for details on the different ways on how to avail for academic scholarships. Usually some colleges and universities accept applicants with an average high school GPA but pass the entrance test(s).

Athletic scholarship

Colleges and universities offer free education for students with exceptional gift in sports. Recipients of the athletic scholarship are often selected among the graduating high school students. However, there are some schools that open the possibility for students to apply for athletic scholarship after they have enrolled in college.

Corporate scholarship

Many companies stretch their services by granting students with free college education. The good thing about corporate scholarship is that upon receiving the degree, the grantees are assured to land on a job (on the same company that gave them the scholarship).

Institutional scholarship

Many private individuals, institutions, and groups give free college education to those who cannot pay for college tuition. Some of them answer the need of a particular race, age, gender, and locale among others.

Union scholarship

Most union scholarship grants are given to the children of its members. If one of your parents is a member of a certain union, you can inquire about the possibility of applying for a college scholarship.

Religious organizations

Religious organizations and church groups allocate a fund for scholarship grants to their members who cannot afford the cost of college education. You can inquire about this in your church.

Local government grants

One of the best sources of free college education is your local government. Here, you can get as much as 100% scholarship grant depending on their set conditions. Availing a local government scholarship can also give you a big chance to land on a job immediately.

Know all these and you will surely go to college for free.

This content is provided by Low Jeremy. It may be used only in its entirety with all links included. For more information on scholarship & other useful information, please visit Blog68302
Agretha Blog99576

Caribbean Cruise Guide

Comprising of around 50 islands (750 if you count the archipelago of the Bahamas), the Caribbean is a real treasure trove when it comes to cruising. A rich variety of vistas, people and places await, along with swaying palms and idyllic beaches of golden sand. The network of islands in the Caribbean is in fact so extensive that it is possible to book several Caribbean cruises and avoid going to the same islands twice!

There are four basic Caribbean cruise routes used by cruise operators:

Western Caribbean Cruise Route - Departing from seaports in Texas, Louisiana and Florida, the Western Route takes in the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico, the island of Cozumel, the Cayman Islands, Jamaica, and any number of islands off the coasts of Honduras and Belize.

Eastern Caribbean Cruise Route - One of the most popular Caribbean cruise routes, the Eastern Route typically departs from Florida and other seaports along the eastern seaboard of the United States. The route calls on destinations such as Key West, The Bahamas, Turks and Caicos Islands the Virgin Islands (including St. Thomas and St. Croix), and Puerto Rico.

Southern Caribbean Cruise Route - This route normally commences at San Juan in Puerto Rico, and takes in many possible destinations along the Lesser Antilles and the Netherlands Antilles as far west as Aruba.

Exotic/Long-duration Caribbean Cruise Route - This route takes in any/all of the above destinations, and can sometimes end in a different place to where the cruise started.

Given this broad assortment of destinations available in the Caribbean, it can be a bit overwhelming when trying to make that crucial decision on which islands to fit into your itinerary. After all, you don't want to miss out on some true Caribbean gems, do you? So, whether you're planning a short vacation or a longer cruise break away from home, here is a selection of 'must-sees' & 'must-dos' on your Caribbean adventure.

St Croix (Virgin Islands) - Take a night kayak trip in Salt River National Park and visit the first landing site of Christopher Columbus on his voyage to the New World.

Grenada - Although ravaged by Hurricane Ivan in 2004, Grenada is still well worth a visit for its scuba diving. You can explore the largest shipwreck in the Caribbean here and see an underwater volcano.

St. Thomas (Virgin Islands) - The Cinnamon Bay National Park offers excellent snorkeling opportunities. You can see a wealth of underwater life in the shallow waters around St. Thomas.

Jamaica - Why not try your hand at bamboo rafting in Montego Bay?

Puerto Rico - No Caribbean cruise would be complete without a visit to the world famous Condado Beach on the island of Puerto Rico.

Aruba - Want to find Caribbean paradise? How about relaxing on one of the 365 beaches that surround the Dutch island of Aruba.

St Kitts - Swim with the turtles in the waters around St Kitts and then relax on the pink sand beaches on this beautiful island.

Good luck with planning your trip and happy cruising.

FG Cruise provides detailed information on cruise vacations including articles and tips for that perfect cruise. To find out more info visit here: Blog4367
Caressa Blog82392

Using Your Web Stats To Sell

After you have a website for a while, you start to learn a lot of tips and tricks for doing business on the web. One of the best marketing tools you have is right there on your server and you'd be amazed at how many people don't use it. That tool is your website statistics. If you've never examined your web stats before you're missing out on a real gold mine of information. They are usually found in the control panel section of your web hosting company. Most web hosts will email them to you if you can't access them yourself.

Learn Important Pages Viewed Information

You are most likely familiar with your "hits" on your web stats for finding out how many people have visited your website. Most stats programs will not only tell you how many visitors you have had to your site, but what pages on your website they visited, how long they stayed on a particular page and what page they last viewed on your website before they surfed on.

Valuable Keywords and SEO

If you're interested in search engine optimization for your website and you aren't sure what keywords to use for your site; there is usually a section in your web stats file that shows you what keywords a person entered to find your site and what search engine they used. You can put those keywords around your website on various relevant pages to increase the search engine optimization of your site. That won't catapult your website to the number one position on Google overnight but it will increase your rankings if done correctly.

The Magic of Referrers

Another great feature is the referrer section. Know what sites or search engines are referring your website visitors. Referrals can come from other websites, news groups, clubs and forums or even competitors - if people are being referred to your website, find out by who. In many cases, someone that had a great experience with your firm will be referring your company to someone on a message board that is looking for a similar product or service.

Use Your Web Stats

If you notice people are leaving within a few seconds of hitting your index page. Look at it in a few different browsers because they are not all created equally. What loads like a champ in Internet Explorer may look like garbage in Firefox or Opera browsers; or it simply may take too long to load. If you notice people are leaving at a point in your shopping cart - either your shipping is too high or your program may be faulty. Find out what items are getting the most looks and promote those to bring in more visitors.

Now that you know how your web stats can work for you, jump start your Internet business today.

Aviva Brown recommends that you promote your website by submitting it to Blog5741
Alfie Blog61321

.INFO Domain Name


The .INFO domain was originally introduced to be an unrestricted domain, like .COM. The .INFO domain Registry attempted to protect Trademark owners during its initial roll-out by having a "Sunrise Period" whereby those owning a trademark or service mark which had been registered on or before October 2, 2000, in any national trademark office, could pre-apply for the identical textual or word element of the mark as a domain name. Applications were randomly selected for registration, e.g. if two companies with the same name applied, only one would be chosen. Sunrise registrations could be subsequently challenged on narrow grounds. Otherwise, the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP) of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) would apply.

Challenges to Sunrise registrations could be based on the following grounds:

(1) the registrant was the owner of a current trademark or service mark registration;

(2) the trademark or service mark registration did not have national effect. For example, in the United States it is possible to obtain a state trademark or service mark registration in any one of the United States of America, which registrations have only statewide effect, not national effect;

(3) the second-level domain name is not identical to the trademark or service mark registration; or

(4) the trademark or service mark registration did not issue on or before October 2, 2001.

If the challenger was successful in the challenge, it would then have the opportunity to register the domain name, or the domain name would remain available for registration. WIPO was the exclusive Dispute Resolution Provider during the Sunrise challenge period. After the sunrise challenge period, all disputes were to be governed by the ICANN UDRP.

The law Offices of Michael D. Stewart can assist you in these and a variety of other issues. You may contact us at Michael D. Stewart, Esq. * Law Offices of Michael D. Stewart * 335 S. Biscayne Blvd., #UPH00 * Miami, Florida 33131 * * * 1-305-394-8546 Telephone * 1-866-438-6574 Toll-free * 1-866-380-8986 Facsimile

© Copyright 2006-2007 Michael D. Stewart

Michael D. Stewart, Esq.Alvinia Blog23753
Anjanette Blog3849

Historical Tribute to Exotic Lingerie

Want to know why we think of certain lingerie as exotic? The idea of lingerie and what has made it what it is today can be traced through several centuries of history. Through the history of exotic lingerie, women have not necessarily changed the focus of what lingerie should do for them, but instead, have focused on the best way to expose what they want and hide what they dont want. For those interested in knowing why lingerie is like it is today, they can look into how it was.

The first style of lingerie has been traced back to ancient Rome and Greece. This type of lingerie was seen as a corset. However, the corset was used only to push up the womens breasts so that they could be seen outside of their dresses completely. After this particular stage of lingerie faded out as a fashion, lingerie became a focus of support.

The two main areas that lingerie focused on for support is the bust and the buttocks. The silhouette was one of the fashions that were used in order to expose both of these areas to the fullest by adding support. Corsets and bells were used to define and bring out these specific areas of a womans figure, especially during the Middle Ages. The evolution of this continued into the Renaissance, where things such as padded silhouettes for support and cones to shape the breasts came into style. It was during this time that the corset became popular to make the abdomen flat and the busts big. Women began to use whale bone in order to make the corset tighter around their abdomen. This was to the point of breaking ribs in their body.

It wasnt until the eighteenth century that the flattery of the corset became something that wasnt as harsh to a womans body. Instead of focusing on the corset for breasts, exotic lingerie began to focus on hoops that would go over the waist in order to make it smaller. The S-silhouette also came into play, which allowed women to have an exaggerated buttocks, small waist and large breasts.

The end of the nineteenth century divided exotic lingerie into two categories. One held corsets in order to support the figure of the breasts while stockings, held up by garters and suspenders helped to create a different look for the buttocks. It was the beginning of the twentieth century when industrialization became more popular that corsets began to go completely out of style. In 1913, the first bra was invented by Mary Phelps Jacob by tying two handkerchiefs together with a string. This was softer and more comfortable than a corset and allowed for women to be comfortable while working in factories.

The Roaring Twenties twisted the entire figure of women, moving to an attractive look by having a flat chest and straight hips. Chemise and bloomers were invented in order to stay light and loose-fitting on women, allowing them to look small and flat. However, it was only one decade later that the figure was back in style. In the 1930s, the first form of elastic was also invented, making it easier for women to keep a sexier look with exotic lingerie, while not having to suffer from things such as tight fitting corsets.

In the 1970s, women began to wear less and expose more. The mini-skirts were a popular way to do this. It was with this change in fashion that it was also required to change what women were wearing underneath, which pulled for the invention of the bikini strap underwear, and eventually led to the wearing of thongs. Today, lingerie is a popular and comfortable way of achieving the look that is desired with the breasts and the buttocks. New inventions and ways for the right support are continuously coming into style to help women achieve the best look.

From corsets to thongs, under garments for the looks have developed and evolved for the benefit of both men and women. Knowing where lingerie has come from and what it has allowed women to expose through their bodies allows you to find what you want when learning how to shape your body with lingerie.

Rick Freedom is an aspiring author & entrepreneur whose interests include dating, love, lingerie & thongs. For more info, visit Blog46269
Annette Blog5741

Virtual House Tours Could Offer Too Much Information

We are becoming more aware of the dangers of the internet these days with articles of online predators hiding behind screen names, posing as imposters controlling their victims as if they were puppets on a string, sucking them into a "Web Of Deception."

Computers are used in the transmission of crime often in three capacities. They may be the target of the offense, the tool used in the offence or they may contain evidence of the offence. Everything from sex predators, e-mail scams, fraud and even burglary. Yes, even burglary enters into the equation with the possibility that burglars could target homes via the internet.

The real estate industry's version of armchair viewing, otherwise known as "Virtual Tours," could be giving the "bad guys" too much information. Too much information about your most important investment: your home.

Selling your home is stressful enough without the added stress of a break and enter.

Virtual tours are increasing in popularity as they give home buyers a real impression of the inside of the home and a vivid look at the outside surroundings. Some realtors may deny or play down the dangers of advertising your home on the internet; however, this concern affects not only home sellers but also home buyers whose future home may have been advertised on the internet.

Once a home has been exposed on the internet, particularly on "Virtual Tours," it could remain a risk for robbery for several months as information may have been downloaded and stored on a thief's computer.

Having a home available for anyone to inspect can represent a grave danger. The only people who should be allowed to inspect your home are those who have been identified and qualified. The Internet allows anybody who owns a computer and is hooked up to the web to take a tour through your home.

I don't want just anybody looking through my home, unless they are a genuine buyer accompanied by a realtor.

The safe procedure is quite simple. The homebuyer usually checks out an area before they buy a home. They visit with the real estate agent, who takes great care to ensure that only genuine buyers are allowed to inspect your home.

If you must advertise your home on the internet, make sure that you go over the details with your realtor very carefully. Details like removing precious items before the filming of the tour or having their computer professional remove them through a Photoshop software program after the segment has been filmed. It is very important as a home owner to view the video before it is displayed over the internet, checking for security deficiencies.

Meeting with your real estate representative and ironing out the details is crucial. After all, you are the person holding the strings when it comes to protecting your home.

Frank Fourchalk is widely recognized for his sustained commitment to education in Home and Business security throughout North America as a result of his syndicated newspaper columns. Mr. Fourchalk has written for The Toronto Star, The Vancouver Province, and several other daily newspapsers including the New York Post.Barbe Blog40598
Bernadine Blog76582

Army Correspondence Courses - Preparing For Your Future

The United States Army is an education-driven force. Whether you plan on a career in the Armed Forces or not, Army correspondence courses are available to prepare you for your future career.

The Army Correspondence Course Program (ACCP)

The Army Correspondence Course Program helps you keep your skills current and prepare for advancement in your military career. As you complete modules, you earn points toward promotion. Each module has several subcourses in it that you complete one at a time.

The Army Correspondence Course Program gives you training specific to your professional field. You can take courses for skill qualification development or to advance in your MOS, too.


eArmyU is a program that the Army sponsors that allows you to take college courses over the internet on your off-duty time. eArmyU helps you prepare for a future non-military career, or to simply take courses for your own personal interest and development.

Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES)

DANTES provides military personell with educational opportunities compatible with the military lifestyle. You can take career training or college courses through several different DANTES programs. DANTES is very cutting edge and innovative in the way education is delivered to deployed troops. They utilize traditional learning, satellite courses, e-learning, video, courses that you can download to a PDA and even Podcast classes.

Many colleges and universities are authorized to provide distance learning through DANTES. You can take specific courses that you need for degree completion, earn a college degree, or take vocational career training through DANTES sponsored educational providers.

Military lifestyle makes traditional education difficult. Your education can be interrupted at any time by deployment or transfer. The Army has educational programs to compensate for that by providing courses in a distance-learning format.

If you plan on continuing your military career you can prepare for promotion and advancement through the Army Correspondence Course Program. You can even enter the Green to Gold Enlisted Commissioning program by earning a degree and entering Officer Training.

If you do not plan on continuing in the military, you can prepare for a post-military career. Army correspondence courses will help you.

Disadvantages of Online Courses

Online learning has some disadvantages, too. Some people learn better in a traditional classroom. They need the live interaction with an instructor and other students. Online classes may try to simulate classroom interaction, but they cannot duplicate it.

In order to succeed at online learning, you have to have some specific skills. You have to be self-motivated, responsible for your own learning and have good time management skills. If you don't have those skills, traditional classes may be a better choice for you.

One huge disadvantage of online courses, especially if you are talking about e-learning grids and virtual educational communities, is accessibility. Not everyone has ready access to a computer with an internet connection. Without that access, online learning is hard.

Online education is so portable and flexible for so many people that it's easy to miss the disadvantages. If online education were the best choice for every person every time, we wouldn't need brick-and-mortar schools, would we? There are both advantages and disadvantages of online courses.

Dean Iggo is the webmaster of where you can find the best distance learning programs and degrees to suit your needs.Ashla Blog50406
Auguste Blog76863

What Is Microsoft Terminal Server?

Microsoft Terminal Server is a component of the Windows operating system that allows users to remotely access servers and applications over the internet or a local area network. Terminal Server runs on Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000 Server and Windows NT 4 Terminal Server. Client devices connecting to a Terminal Server can be Windows workstations, Macintosh or Linux machines, mobile devices and dumb terminals.

When Terminal Server is installed and enabled on a Windows Server, users can connect to virtual desktops, or single instances of an application. User's applications, or virtual desktops, are executed on the server instead of the client. The end user sees their terminal services session across the network or internet connection, similar to VNC or Citrix.

Unlike these other remote control programs, a Windows Terminal Server runs a in a multi user mode that allows multiple users to log into the server at the same time. Depending on the hardware and resources that the server can provide, a single Terminal Server can support dozens or even hundreds of simultaneous users.

Terminal Server sessions provide support for many client side resources. For example, a Windows 2003 Terminal Server supports accessing your local disk drives, printers, serial ports, sound and the windows clipboard while connected to a Terminal Services session.

The Windows XP Pro operating system also provides similar functionality. It is called "Remote Desktop". The main difference is that it only supports one user at a time. If you connect to a Windows XP Pro machine via a Terminal Services session, it will actually lock the console of the physical machine. "Remote Desktop" can be enabled on an XP Pro machine by accessing the "System" applet, selecting the "Remote" tab and checking the option that says "Enable Remote Desktop on this computer".

Building a stable Terminal Server solution can be a lot of work, and this article merely scratches the surface of the technology, but hopefully you now have a better idea of what it is and what it can do.

Matt Peterson is a Consultant for N2 Network Solutions, Visit N2 online at,Brietta Blog59492
Cari Blog33326

IT Service Contracts: How Do You Find the Best Ones?

In the technologically advanced world, IT service contracts can be found anywhere. But because there are so many computer service companies out there, finding the best company to provide IT service contracts for your particular business can be overwhelming.

How do you select the right company? Your choice of consultants providing IT service contracts depends largely on the goals of your company. Factors such as the size of your company and its geographic scope, along with how many computers are in your network will help determine what type of consultant you need to handle your IT service contracts.

Identifying Needs

Many computer services present you with the option of offering customized business solutions as a part of IT service contracts. These solutions can be anything from RAM and hard-drive upgrades to server overhauls. If you have your data all in one place but your production site is somewhere else, you will need a smooth way to connect your hubs. Similarly, if travel is a part of your business, you will need to be connected to important information globally while still protecting that information from infiltration by outsiders. All these factors will help determine what type of company offering IT service contracts you will need.

Once you are familiar with the type of IT service contracts a computer consultant provides and what you need for your business, you will find it much easier to locate solutions. Regardless of what you need, an IT consultant that is right for your company will give you IT service contracts that will meet your needs and exceed expectations.

Should You Seek The Best Price?

Like most other business solutions, with IT service contracts you get what you pay for, and the best contracts are not cheap. The high cost of the contracts is the main reason many business people choose to simply try to troubleshoot their own offices. Most often, going without IT service contracts ends up costing more than simply paying for a reliable one in the first place. If you find a trustworthy consulting firm that can set you up right from the beginning through the best IT service contracts, you can save money for the future that can be contributed to important items that will grow your business.

Copyright MMI-MMVII, Computer Consulting 101. All Worldwide Rights Reserved. {Attention Publishers: Live hyperlink in author resource box required for copyright compliance}

Joshua Feinberg, co-founder of Computer Consulting 101, helps computer consulting business owners get more steady, high-paying clients. Learn how you can too with free proven computer consulting secrets at http://www.ComputerConsulting101.comBriana Blog55749
Brier Blog6196

What To Look For When Buying A Three-Stone Diamond Ring

The 3-Stone diamond ring. One of the hottest jewelry design trends of the decade. De Beers' hit the jewelry jackpot when it introduced the three-stone ring in the late 1990s. The idea was the culmination of the company's half-century campaign to make the diamond the gem of choice for any and every special occasion - from engagements and weddings to anniversaries, birthdays and holidays.

In the case of the diamond three-stone ring, the jewelry/diamonds were a symbol of lifelong commitment - one diamond each for the past, present and future of the relationship. But if buying a single-stone diamond ring requires close inspection of the diamond and its mounting, buying a diamond three-stone ring takes triple care and caution.

Here's what to look for when purchasing a 3-Stone diamond ring:

Number One: Make sure the center and flanking diamonds are evenly matched for color, clarity, weight, size and shape. If there is an intentional color contrast between the center and side stones, make sure the later are matched.

Number Two: Make sure the center and flanking diamonds are level and secure. None of the stones should look tilted or be set too high or low. All the stones should make a pleasing, even arc.

Number Three: Make sure all prongs holding the diamonds in place are identically sized, shaped, secure, polished and positioned.

Number Four: Make sure the shank of the ring has a smooth finish and that the appropriate metal fineness mark and the manufacturer's registered trademark are stamped on the inside.

Make sure the inside of the ring is smooth and free of polish marks.

Number Five: Make sure all metal junctures contain no excess solder and that as much attention has been paid to detail inside the shank as outside.

John Pollard is Director of Consumer Education at - a company specializing in Diamonds, and Blog33905
Brianna Blog76166

Vacations: Time off for Balance, Health and Productivity

If you own your own business, you may often put off taking any real time off to just relax and unwind and rejuvenate. You imagine someday being able to take a vacation, but the thought of doing it now only creates more stress. How can you go away when there is so much to do? If you take time off, you may lose a great opportunity! It makes no sense, does it: You started your own business for more freedom, yet here you are, feeling like you cant afford to get away. However, if you take time off, you just may CREATE new opportunities because you will come back relaxed and renewed, and, according to research, even healthier.

How can you take time off and feel good about it? This article will give you some tips on how to really live your dream of business ownership and freedom all at the same time.

The health connection

I dont need to tell you that you feel great when youre on vacation! Granted, the stress level BEFORE that vacation may be high, but often there is some time that you can really say you feel that ahh feeling, at least once. You know; youre lying in the pool in your vacation home rental, listening to wind in the trees and the waves hitting the shore just below you. And when you get that feeling, you wish it would last even longer. My favorite explanation of the benefit of a vacation is from Dr. Mel Borins, author of the book Go Away Just for the Health of It; He says that every trip is a break from the treadmill of daily life.

But is it just all in your head? There actually have been multiple studies that have investigated the affects of taking vacation on our health. In the year 2000, researchers published their findings in the medical journal Psychosomatic Medicine, after following over 12,000 men in the MRFIT (Multiple Risk Factor Intervention Trial) study for nine years. They found that the men who took vacations in most years were 20% less likely to die of any cause than those who did not take vacations. They also found that the vacationers were 30% less likely to die of heart disease.

For women, the impact of vacations is even more dramatic. Research conducted by the Marshfield Clinic Research Foundation followed 1500 women to find out the results of vacations in their lives. Results were published in a 2005 issue of the Wisconsin Medical Journal (WMJ). They found that women who took vacations only once in every 2 years suffered more depression and tension than women who vacationed twice or more per year. Their conclusion was that personal psychological benefits gained from these regular vacations lead to a more rewarding quality of life and improved work performance.

American vacation habits

If you live in the US, you may know very few people who really take serious time off. Experts say that it actually takes the body and mind 2 weeks to relax and get out of that stressed, busy, hyped-up mode we are in when we are working and striving to succeed in our career. But Americans only average 13 days off a year! Italians take an average 42 days off a year and the French 37 days a year. Wow; more than a month! What would you do with a whole month off?? Hm; Im dreaming already, myself.

Make it happen

One big issue that small business owners have, especially when they are in the early years of growing their businesses is spending the time and money to actually go away! But imagine all that stress youre living with right now, too! Mental health professionals have pointed out that productivity and creativity actually suffer when we are working at our highest stress levels. This alone is one good reason to get away. If I were to tell you that your business would be more profitable if you took a vacation, my guess is that you would start planning it, now!

The issue of being afraid to spend the money is another very real concern for new business owners. However, not all vacations need to be first class and expensive. However, no matter what your budget, there are several tips to help you actually make a vacation happen and to get the most out of that escape.

1. Plan your vacation, now, for at least six months from now. Youll be much more likely to take it if you start planning far ahead of time. The planning will help your excitement grow, plus youll have time to save for that trip, too. Additionally, you can benefit from lower travel rates and fares if you plan early and can watch prices.

2. Pick out something you would really like to do, not something you feel committed to do. This is your time for renewal and rebirth. The point is to get away from stressors and make it all about you for a change!

3. Consider the slowest time for your business and plan your vacation for that period of time. This kills two birds with one stone, actually. You dont have to stress about business slowing down and you can get away without feeling youre missing new opportunities.

4. Put the vacation on your calendar. Once youve committed, it starts to feel more real and you are more likely to do the planning and organizing to make it happen. Scheduled vacations are less likely to be canceled than ones that are just talked about.

5. As mentioned above, dont let financial concerns keep you home. In your planning phase, be realistic about what you can afford. Shop around and consider different options that fit into your budget. The fact that you are planning ahead of time means you can even set up a separate vacation fund account. Be sure to save up for the time you are gone, too, if your income is dependent on your physical presence.

6. Use that vacation time to do something different. Dont take time off for painting the house or remodeling or visiting family as an obligation. Do something different each year! When my daughter was growing up, we never believed we could go far for our vacation, so we always went to the same location, which was only a few hours away by car. However, after she was out of the house, and we started talking about our next trip, we analyzed how much we spent and started looking at other options that cost the same amount. Since then, on the same budget each time, we have been to Hawaii two times, to Jamaica and to Mexico. Our next trip will be Costa Rica! My point is, do not feel that your budget will always limit you. With online travel resources, there are incredible deals for all budgets, today

In the meantime

Vacations force us to relax and open our minds up to fresh inspiration. As a business owner, this is the life-blood of your success. Many successful entrepreneurs actually credit their vacation time for the creation of new ideas for their next big success.

But in the meantime, you still need some downtime in the course of the day and week. Although the emphasis of this article is on REAL vacations, life is what you are living right now and cant be put on hold. You have to enjoy each day. Again, you have started your business so you can enjoy life more. This means having, or taking, the time to sit back and smell the roses along the way. So what are you doing each day to really enjoy those roses? Taking some time to spend researching where your next ideal vacation will be is one way of getting away from it all, actually. But thats just one idea. When was the last time you called up a friend in the middle of the week to meet for lunch or a game of tennis? Are you taking time for yourself to exercise, mediate or practice self-care? Do you always feel you must be productive? I am challenging you today to spend some quiet time each day doing either nothing, or at least nothing that fits in your category of being productive. Too much productivity leads to staleness and actually decreased productivity.

And, after all, we want you healthy enough to TAKE that great yearly vacation!

Marjorie Geiser is a nutritionist, registered dietitian, certified personal trainer, life coach, and MBA student. Marjorie has been the owner of a successful small business, MEG Fitness, since 1996, and now helps other professionals start up or grow their own business through MEG To learn more about the services Margie offers, go to her website at or email her at Blog31314
Cal Blog68320

Astrology's Capricorn Lucky Days; Horoscope modifiers from Numerology

People born in the days from December 22nd through January 20th, have the Astrology sun sign of Capricorn the Goat. As a Capricorn, you probably know your basic Horoscope, but did you know there are over seventy days every year that are lucky for you, just because of your sun sign? Just what are Capricorn's lucky days?

===> Your Birth Date

In Numerology, your birth date is always a lucky day for you. So, you should add your birth date to the list of lucky days below. As an example, actor Orlando Bloom was born on January 13th, 1977, so he needs to add January 13th to his list of lucky days for 2008.

===> Universal Days

Days on which the Universal day number matches your Life Path number are also lucky for you. The universe supports your actions on these particular days. You calculate your Life Path by summing all the digits of your birth date, and then reducing by fadic addition. Orlando Bloom's Life Path number is a two as shown below:

Life Path = (01 + 13 + 1977) = (1991) = (20) = (2).

Now, as an example, December 8th, 2007 will be a lucky day for Orlando Bloom . The Universal Day number will be a two, matching his Life Path number.

Universal Day (12/08/2007) = (12 + 8 + 2007) = (2027) = (11) = (2).

Doing this calculation for each day is tedious; but, you can pre-calculate the year and month sum, (12 + 2007) = (3), and then just add this value to the day number, and sum the result. (3 + 8) = (11) = (2).

===> Capricorn Calendar Dates

Six days of each month are particularly lucky for Capricorns. They are as follows:

For January: 2nd, 7th, 8th, 18th, 26th, and the 31st.

For February: 3rd, 7th, 9th, 12th, 13th, and the 27th.

For March: 1st, 5th, 7th, 10th, 24th, and the 28th.

For April: 2nd, 3rd, 7th, 16th, 25th, and the 26th.

For May: 5th, 6th, 14th, 15th, 27th, and the 31st.

For June: 1st, 14th, 15th, 18th, 24th, and the 29th.

For July: 9th, 12th, 13th, 17th, 20th, and the 27th.

For August: 3rd, 8th, 9th, 16th, 21st, and the 31st.

For September: 5th, 9th, 14th, 18th, 19th, and the 27th.

For October: 10th, 11th, 16th, 17th, 25th, and the 30th.

For November: 6th, 7th, 8th, 12th, 13th, and the 26th.

For December: 3rd, 8th, 9th, 19th, 24th, and the 31st.

Keith Abbott is the developer and owner of 'Numerology 4 You' where you can order your own Numerology reading including your own Lucky Days calendar. Visit him on the web today at Blog48034
Afton Blog7371

Make An Impact With Your Trade Show Display Graphic Images

So, youve decided on the trade show display you think will best represent your company. And after deciding on the model, the trade show graphics you select are the next most important element to help you really stand out at a trade show your graphics.

Just as you want your trade show display materials to be as professional as possible, you want your trade show display graphic images to be as bold, clean and powerful as possible. The steps to achieving this are quite simple, but require a good marketing foundation, some creativity to develop eye-catching graphics and a thorough understanding of how to prepare those graphics for use in your trade show display.

Here, we are going to focus on the last step gathering information and preparing your trade show graphic for submission to the trade show display companys production department. Each company has a different procedure which makes it essential you work directly with the company from which you purchased your display. Make sure you learn the specifics of each step of the design process, from submitting your graphics files to receiving a proof/sample of how the final product will look.

Below are some details to keep in mind before you call, so you can help make the process as seamless as possible.

Minimum size The files must be appropriately sized in order for the trade show graphics to work. If your image is too small, or the resolution of your photography is too low, blowing it up to a size that will fit your trade show display and accessories will result in a distorted or blurry image. Ask for the smallest and largest acceptable dimensions for your graphic images to avoid needless design steps with the design department.

Lambda or Ink Jet - Lambda graphics produce higher resolution than ink jet graphics, but at a higher price. If you furnish graphics files that are a minimum of 400 dpi, you may be able to get finished graphics that are more than four times that size. If your budget is limited, you an ink jet graphics may be a better option.

Color Match Your version of royal blue may not be the same as the trade show graphic designers version of royal blue. And asking to see an electronic sample can be tricky, because the different settings on different computer monitors can distort the colors appearance and the same goes for printouts as well. Because of this, many designers use CMYK or RGB color models as standardized guidelines for choosing universal colors. Find out which ones your design team follow and choose a color that best represents your company from there.

Fonts It is recommended you include the font files for the different types of fonts used in your trade show display graphic images especially if your graphic combines actual text files with graphic files to create one graphical element or file.

Format Should your trade show graphic be submitted as an Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Quark Xpress or InDesign file? Does the design department prefer a .tif, .pdf, .eps file or some other file format? Also, should you submit your materials on a CD, DVD, ZIP disc or upload it to a FTP site?

Production Time Begin your submission timeline by backtracking from the time you expect to receive the completed trade show display. Ask your customer service rep how long it will take the company to complete the trade show graphic production to determine when you should expect delivery. Dont make the schedule too tight you want to leave some wiggle room for yourself and the designers in case there are any obstacles or last minute details to be worked out.

Your trade show display introduces your company to trade show visitors and prospective clients before they ever meet anyone from your company. Your trade show graphics are the most important part of creating that first impression, and can make or break your image.

By discussing your graphics concept(s) with your customer service rep at the very beginning of the design process you can streamline the process to ensure your trade show graphic images will be the most compelling they can be. Follow these preliminary guidelines to save yourself and the graphic design team time and frustration.

Jim Deady, founder of Showstopper Exhibits, provides online assistance with materials. The company specializes in trade show displays and accessories. Visit: Blog49839
Angela Blog18889

Loans For Every Occasion: Home Loans, Payday Loans, Student Loans And More...

At some point in life, it is almost guaranteed that you will be applying for a loan of some sort. Paying cash for products and services is not only becoming obsolete, it's terribly inconvenient. Today, credit is a way of life, and as more and more people begin to shop online, plastic is the currency accepted everywhere.

The most basic of loans is of course, the credit card. Companies that issue credit cards make money every month that you carry a balance, and they are betting on the fact that you won't pay off the balance every month.

Some loans actually make good business sense. Why would anyone want to shell out $300,000 for a new home when they could get a Home Loan and pay $1,000.00 a month, and then deduct the interest paid from their income taxes? That three hundred grand could be put to work in other investments, and could conceivably earn more for you than you are actually paying for the house! And all that time, if you time it right, your house becomes more and more valuable.

There are also times when for many people things just arent going well financially. An unexpected expense occurs and you find yourself just coming up short on your living expenses. Many types of loans exist for this type of situation, both secured and unsecured.

Maybe you just need some quick cash to get through the holidays, and intend to pay the loan off within the next few pay periods. Companies offering short term Payday Loans abound both on the Internet and off. Some with no credit check will transfer up to $1,500 into your bank account within 24 hours.

Student loans, auto loans, small business loans, personal loans, home loans, second mortgages, payday loans, government loans, bad credit loans, loans to consolidate other loans there is a loan for just about any occasion out there.

The question is how much are you going to pay for your loan? And the answer to that depends in most cases on your credit history.

Your Credit History: Weather or not you get the loan, and how much it will cost you.

It is never too early to start establishing credit, and the best way to do this is with a credit card. If you are finding it difficult to obtain a credit card because you have no history, you can always buy your history by applying for a secured credit card or line of credit. Put down $500 or $1,000 and borrow against it. Make sure the institution you are applying to reports to the major credit bureaus, use the line of credit and pay your bills on time, and voila you have a credit history! There is nothing wrong with carrying a balance over, just pay the minimum or a bit more, and pay it on time! Creditors like to think they will be making some money off of you.

What Lenders are Looking For

While different institutions have different criteria, there are some generalizations one can make about how they determine the creditworthiness of an applicant. Make no mistake about it; creditors are in the business of making money. If your credit is less than perfect, it doesnt necessarily mean you wont get the loan, but you will be paying more for it!

After receiving your application, a lender will then acquire a credit report from one of the three major credit bureaus, Equifax, Trans Union, or Experian. This is your credit history. Taking into account such factors as your income, the balances in your checking and savings accounts, the assets you own, the length of time you have been at your current job and place of residence, the amount you owe other creditors, and how promptly you pay your bills, the potential lender will then make a determination on if you will get the loan, and how much they will charge you for it.

Frequent late payments, bankruptcy, repossessions, legal judgment liens, or accounts being turned over to collection agencies do not bode well for obtaining a loan. That being said, most creditors realize that life happens, and such legitimate circumstances like an unexpected illness, injury, or the loss of your job do not necessarily reflect negatively on your creditworthiness.

When Things Take a Turn for the Worse

If you are in the process of paying on a loan or loans and one of these unforeseen circumstances befall you, talk to your loan officer. Most loan institutions find it in their best interest to work with the lendee, and will often make the necessary arrangements to make it easier for you to make your payments. Just remember, they want their money, and the last thing they want is for you to default on your loan, or heaven forbid, declare bankruptcy!

Michael Talbert is an author that writes on a variety of topics. Visit The Loan Station at for more information.Celia Blog26522
Beckie Blog25150

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